BRIEF: The task was to launch a historical limited edition product to the market. Marketing concept should respect the heritage of Jaloviina brand and the actual product that was in the market after the war years in Finland during 1944-1947. SOLUTION: To that time period it was typical that the liquor was only sold a limited amount to the people since there a shortage of basically everything. Just like in the re-launch, since only a limited edition was brought to the market. The practice was that people had rationing cards where the merchants marked the amount of food & beverages sold. We wanted to bring this practice and time period to life with a modern twist. So the visual materials was based on historical pictures from the era, except we painted them in full colour creating the first recolored real historic images on Finnish advertising. “Jaloviina on taas kortilla” -marketing concept was born with bar deliverables, reborn “Viinakortti”, boozecard and bag with other related products. RESULTS: The Jaloviina Tähdetön limited edition batch was sold out in 4 months after the launch. The launch generated high interest in media and with the public as Jaloviina Tähdetön was based on historical Jaloviina product from 1940s. *)Because of the legal reasons regarding advertising alcohol in Finland, the campaign deliverables are not to shown with the product.
February 18, 2018